Why Facility Managers Need to Prioritize Cyber Safety
Stacey Shepard, Lucian Niemeyer, and Rob Murchison discuss the IFMA-Building Cyber Security pa...
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Why Facility Managers Need to Prioritize Cyber Safety
Episode Summary
Stacey Shepard, Lucian Niemeyer, and Rob Murchison discuss the IFMA-Building Cyber Security partnership and the importance of educating FM professionals on connected technologies and cyber risk mitigation strategies.
Episode Notes
Today we are joined by Stacey Shepard, President of Shepard Global Strategies, Lucian Niemeyer, CEO of Building Cybersecurity, and Rob Murchison Co-founder of Intelligent Buildings, LLC. Together they discuss the strategic partnership between IFMA and Building Cyber Security (BSC) as well as enhancing the facility management awareness of the opportunities and challenges associated with connected technologies, and looks to develop FM training for cyber risk mitigation.
Topics Covered:
- WHY should FMs care about operational technology and the risks associated?
- WHAT are actions that FMs can take to enhance operational resilience?
- HOW do FMs enhance education and awareness to address both opportunities and cyber threats in connected environments?
Resources Mentioned:
- IFMA will be releasing it’s first of a series of training sessions through Professional Development.
- FMs can also go to Building Cyber Security | Improving physical security, safety, & privacy of citizens to download “16 Steps to Securing OT and Supporting IT Infrastructure”
- Stay tuned for future articles, podcasts, and sessions
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- Visit us at https://ifma.org
Show Contributors
- Stacey Shepard
- Rob Murchison
- Lucian Niemeyer
- Elizabeth Shelton