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REWIND: Why Facility Managers Need to Prioritize Cyber Safety

Episode Summary

Discover how facility managers can protect against cybersecurity threats, focusing on the collaboration between FMs and CISOs to secure technology and mitigate cyber risks.

Episode Notes

This week, Connected FM is taking a break, so we’re revisiting a critical topic that is increasingly impacting facility managers: cybersecurity. In this session, Stacey Shepard, President of Shepard Global Strategies, Lucian Niemeyer, CEO of Building Cybersecurity, and Rob Murchison, Co-founder of Intelligent Buildings, LLC, discuss the strategic partnership between IFMA and Building Cyber Security (BSC). They explore how this collaboration aims to raise facility management awareness of the opportunities and challenges associated with connected technologies, while also focusing on developing FM training for cyber risk mitigation.

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Show Contributors

  • Lucian Niemeyer
  • Stacey Shepard
  • Rob Murchison
  • Elizabeth Shelton

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