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SDG, NGO, DEI, GWI: The ABCs of Sustainable Development 

Episode Summary

Discover how the IFMA Foundation and the field of Facility Management is supporting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, through the Global Workforce Initiative (GWI).

Episode Notes

IFMA is teaming up with the IFMA Foundation for a new series titled, "Rework: The Sustainable Development Chronicles". In today's episode, discover how the IFMA Foundation and the field of Facility Management is supporting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, through the Global Workforce Initiative (GWI).

In this episode, we go over:

  1. What is a UN NGO and how will the Foundation’s new status as an NGO connect the profession and the goals of the UN?
  2. How is the FM field and the IFMA Foundation supporting the SDGs and DEI?
  3. What is the Global Workforce Initiative and how does it support the SDGs and DEI?

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Show Contributors

  • David Karpook
  • Diane Levine
  • Elizabeth Shelton

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